"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының Аршалы ауданы бойынша білім бөлімінің Иманжүсіп Құтпанұлы орта мектебі" коммуналдық мемелекеттік мекемесі
Коммунальное государственное учреждение «Общеобразовательная школа имени Иманжусупа Кутпанулы села Жибек жолы отдела образования по Аршалынскому району управления образования Акмолинской области»;


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We are together


Topic: We are together!

Date: 06.02.2018

Taken place: Kutpanuly Secondary School, Zhibek Zholy

Participants: students of Regional boarding – school “Daryn” # 2, Astana

Objectives: students will be able to speak in English through different forms, to read  and understand the new text, to listen to the

text and do the tasks, to help each other and be friendly, to develop their

critical thinking skills.     


I.Beginning: Hello! Everybody! How are you? I’m so glad to see you here. The

topic of our lesson is “We are together”. How do you think we are going to do

at the lesson?  I want you to write down

your ideas about it on the stickers.

II.Comparing the notices and objectives of the lesson.  In some things you are right. We will read

the text, sing a song, ask and answer the questions and do other things.

III. I have got 2 separate parts of the text. A and B. You read them and be ready to answer

the questions. Not all answers are there in your text. If it is so, ask you


IV. Let’s relax now listening to the song: “I just called to say” by Steve Wonder. There

are some words are missing in the text of the lyrics. Listen to carefully for

the first time and complete the content. Then after checking up sing the song


V. M and M’s. Take one candy and speak about your family if it is yellow. Red is talking

about you. Brown is your country, Kazakhstan. Blue is Great Britain and green

is speaking about your friends.

VI. What if?  Divide , please, into two teams. One

reads the beginning of the sentences, but another one will continue the

sentence. Two students will be the judges and will check up their work.

VII. The end of the lesson. Divide into three groups and complete the “Ticket out”

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